Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas will never be the same for me

At first, I thought it was all nonsense. I didn't want to believe it because it opposed my belief very much. I refused to listen to his words because I'm afraid that I would soon believe all of them. I tried to rationalize. I'll give him a chance to prove himself to me. I must not listen to his words alone, but also to the opinion of others about it. And today, the revelations begin to seep through...

According to my Kasaysayan 2 (Asian History) professor and if my memory is right:

The origin of the name Yahweh is "YHWH" because the original Hebrew alphabet doesn't have vowels.

The date December 25 (Christmas day for Catholics) has a pagan origin. This is the day of worship for their sun god. Also, the Bible has no account of the date of Jesus Christ.

These were exactly what he said. Indeed, he knows his thing. He does do his research. My Asian history professor himself confirmed these information.

I have lost my faith. Sad but true, I cannot feel the spirit of Christmas the same way as before. All I'm looking forward before the end of the year is just a long holiday and nothing special about it.