Monday, December 10, 2007

Piano lessons

I'm mastering to play "Home" by Vanessa Carlton at the moment.

Next piece on my list: "Lost Wings" from Tsubasa Chronicles. n_n

Talking about Tsubasa Chronicles, I already saw the first episode of 'Tokyo Revelations' , a Tsubasa OVA. Hope CLAMP finishes the next one soon. I heard they'll release it early January next year.

Can't wait.

Dreams into Reality

Since I was a child, I always wanted to learn how to play the piano. I started with single-finger melody and with the help of the Grade 1 in piano guide piled in one of those dusty bookshelves at home, I learned how to sync both of my hands with the melody. I further improved with the help of technology.

It was a dream for me to be able to learn to play "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton. It came true last year.

Just hours ago, a friend of mine taught me and Gay the basics of piano playing. My new friend finished grade 6 in piano that's why he was so good at it. He gave me enough will-power (I feel dejavu with this line, can you guess why?) to reach out to my dreams. I'm determined to do it on Feb 9. I hope I could really do it. :)

My other aspiration, which I thought was impossible before, is beginning to take its solid form in my world. I just have to continue on what I started, do my best in every task given to me and I'm sure, I would succeed.

I ask God to guide me through these challenges I pray that when dawn arrives tomorrow, all the wonderful dreams that I saw tonight would be seen by my two eyes when I wake up.:)

Quotable Quote

"Ang isang bagay na hindi gumagalaw ay unti-unting mabubulok."
- Ma'am Abad, Fil 40

She's absolutely right. :)

Christmas will never be the same for me

At first, I thought it was all nonsense. I didn't want to believe it because it opposed my belief very much. I refused to listen to his words because I'm afraid that I would soon believe all of them. I tried to rationalize. I'll give him a chance to prove himself to me. I must not listen to his words alone, but also to the opinion of others about it. And today, the revelations begin to seep through...

According to my Kasaysayan 2 (Asian History) professor and if my memory is right:

The origin of the name Yahweh is "YHWH" because the original Hebrew alphabet doesn't have vowels.

The date December 25 (Christmas day for Catholics) has a pagan origin. This is the day of worship for their sun god. Also, the Bible has no account of the date of Jesus Christ.

These were exactly what he said. Indeed, he knows his thing. He does do his research. My Asian history professor himself confirmed these information.

I have lost my faith. Sad but true, I cannot feel the spirit of Christmas the same way as before. All I'm looking forward before the end of the year is just a long holiday and nothing special about it.

'The Brewrats Show' - the best radio show on air

Once again, once more!!!

Oh my.. I really love to hear the voices of these three very talented and very funny djs of the Brewrats Show.

dj Ramon Bautista

dj Tado

dj Angel

:D Listen to them at Hit FM 99.5, the station that plays today's hottest hits!!!

Escaping the 'Viridian Room'

This is the second room in the IQ games, next to the Crimson Room. Well, I really tried to win this game but it was so hard so I had no choice but to c-h-e-a-t... :( Yes, I was not able to enjoy the game because of that. So for those who want to try the game, (again) I'm telling you, DON'T LOOK AT THE WALKTHROUGHS!! Go to Viridian Room

Friday, December 7, 2007

Embarking on a new adventure

I'm really looking forward for our 'night'. Even if it's still on Feb 9, I'm preparing for it already. I just hope I would learn the sheets on time for the show. I would really love to learn them all. Thanks for my Physics classmate for informing me about the website. If you're interested on what I'm talking about (or writing about?!), follow this link .

IQ Games

If you are into challenges and want to test your IQ, here's a FUN way to do it. Try to escape The Crimson Room . Just don't look in the walkthrough or cheats available in the web because playing it would become useless, and besides it's more fun to figure the game out on your own. Goodluck!!